A young girl poses as she goes to play Power Soccer in her specialized wheelchair. Turnstone, Photo Provided.

Turning Towards Inclusivity

Turnstone Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana, provides vital services for the disabled community.

Agents of change in communities often have humble beginnings. The same can be said about Turnstone.

Its origin has roots in 1943, with it originally being known as the Allen County Society for Crippled Children, with plans to create a school for disabled children. Their plans became a reality when the school, Hanna Homestead School for children with physical disabilities, opened in 1947.

From that point on the school expanded, opening to more ages, receiving gifts and raising money to expand, relocating and adding more facilities to cater to a broader range of individuals.

In 1989, the Allen County Society for Crippled Children and Adults Inc. was officially renamed Turnstone Center for Disabled Children and Adults. The growth only continued into 2018 when they were named one of 11 Olympic training sites.

Turnstone is still moving forward to this day, encouraging its participants to reach their highest potential, whether that be in their therapy or their sports participation.

“Turnstone is a place where everyone and anyone can be involved, whether as a volunteer, as an individual with intellectual [or] developmental disabilities, or an athlete with physical differences,” photographer Nancy Myers-Scholz says.

Photography of Turnstone events, which is what Myers-Scholz is involved in, is imperative when dealing with the image and vision that the organization has. These photos show what really happens at these events.

“I really try to capture the celebrations, the teamwork, and the fun. I like to show that individuals with physical differences can fully participate in sports.  I hope I capture the athletes’ determination and competitive spirit,” Myers-Scholz says.

A child plays in the Snoezelen Room, a blend of sights, sounds, textures, and motion that provide opportunities for clients to exercise choice through action. Turnstone, Photo Provided.

For the participants, the vision that Turnstone has is a life-changer. The opportunities grant them something they might not have had access to previously. 

“Turnstone has a one of a kind, all-accessible fitness center,” Halie Brown, former client and now administrative assistant at Turnstone says. “There’s no boundaries when it comes to our fitness center, along with our pool. Aquatic therapy is vital for my condition to keep me with the abilities that I have.”

Facilities like these aren’t available in every city across the globe. What Turnstone has here is special and they would like to continually open their doors to more and more people, Edward Whitney, director of fitness, aquatics and high performance sports, explains.

“I hope to see membership growth in our Fitness Center,” Whitney says. “We build such close relationships with our clients on a daily basis and that has a lot of potential to grow in the future as the community becomes more aware of Turnstone and as inclusivity is prioritized in our world [and] society. We could be helping so many more individuals.” 

Halie is a perfect example of the close relationships that Turnstone forms with their clients. Her experience there began at a very young age when she enrolled in their preschool program.

At Turnstone she received both physical and occupational therapy for her Cerebral Palsy.

“That was a really big blessing to my parents. As one may know, individuals with disabilities…we come with a lot of medical costs. So to be able to have working parents and have their child be in a safe, inclusive environment and receive the therapies needed meant everything to my parents,” Halie says.

For Halie, keeping her motor abilities was imperative to her life goals, like being able to work and volunteer. Other clients’ goals, however, may be different, and Turnstone is ready and equipped to meet those needs.

“We aim to serve clients where they are at in their fitness journey, regardless of their ability, and help them reach their personalized goals,” Whitney says. “Our fitness specialists and I work every day with clients and it’s really rewarding to get to see them reach their goals as they make progress towards their independence. We truly do create possibilities!” 

Turnstone’s Fitness & Aquatic Center is the only exercise facility in northeast Indiana designed to include people with physical disabilities. The facility includes fully accessible fitness equipment, exercise programs, a 230-meter indoor track, and two warm-water therapeutic pools. Turnstone, Photo Provided.

Not only is Halie an example of Turnstone’s abilities, but her husband is as well. A former participant with Spina Bifida in wheelchair basketball and sled hockey, she tells of the feeling he gets when playing these sports at Turnstone.

“He said ‘What’s really neat about adaptive sports is that the playing field is even. When I get out on the ice or the basketball floor I am with the same level of abilities. We are all disabled, and we’re all using our abilities. That to me is such a strong community that only that community can understand,’” Halie says.

Opportunities like adaptive sports and the therapies that Turnstone offers are often vital to those with disabilities to help them fulfill their highest goals. With coverage of what places like Turnstone are able to provide for their communities, they are able to live out their mission of inclusivity.

“I am proud to see how much Turnstone makes a difference in creating an inclusive environment, not only in our community but across the nation. We are one of the very few organizations in the US that provides a broad scope of services and opportunities for people with disabilities. We see the difference we make in individuals but also in the disability community,” Whitney says.

Halie’s story is just one of the many lives that Turnstone has impacted. As their name continues to grow worldwide, so does their ability to help more individuals with disabilities. 

“Turnstone laid the foundation for my success,” Halie says. “If it wasn’t for Turnstone, I would not be the successful working professional that I am today and it’s not because I work for them. It’s because of what was provided to me at a very young age to learn how to use the abilities that I have.”

Sources: Turnstone

Images: Provided by Turnstone