Shifting Studies

This week Ball Bearings explores the world of ever-changing education.

Shifting Studies,a letter from Editor-in-Chief, Emily Sabens

The world of education is constantly evolving, whether that be for better or for worse.

The Cost of Staying in the Classroom,” by Riley Eubanks

While a growing STEM industry demands more educators than ever, graduates often choose the higher salary of jobs in the field over working as teachers.

How a Campus Survives a Century,” by Samantha Kupiainen

Ball State has lived 100 years. Here’s how they did it.

The New College Experience,” by Griffin Sciarra

Decades of change in the resources available on Ball State’s campus has transformed student life.

Standard Complication,” by Samantha Nower

As Indiana goes in a new direction with its curriculum, many wonder if these adjustments will benefit students more than the old system.

Defending Our Students,” by Kylie Kaiser

With the rising threat of mass shootings, schools consider how to best plan for emergency situations.

Non-Traditional Schools a graphic by Emily Sabens 

Today, students have the option to attend a school that is tailored to their own wants and needs.