This semester, Ball Bearings is taking a look at how our digital world has changed all aspects of our lives, from communication to the way we experience life and death.
New app creates Snapchat style recording studio
Emulators provide a modern bridge to classic video games.
Since Trump’s inauguration in late January, the social media accounts of several government agencies have been more limited in what they’re allowed to tell the public, leading to the creation of “rogue” accounts that say what others cannot.
Starting from a project for class, Alejandro Corpus works to combine recycling and technology
"We snapchat and text. We try to keep up with that because of our granddaughter."
The velocity of wallyball requires strict concentration and quick eye to match
Social media can influence our lives in positive ways, but it can also affect the way we see ourselves—for better or worse.
This week Ball Bearings discusses how our digital lives intertwine with our real ones.
Over 3 million new donors prove that dowsing yourself in ice water really can make a change.