Ball State freshman, Josh Arter, overcomes the limitations caused by his blindness through a passion for bowling and just a...
The human brain is built to form and follow habits, which can make it hard to process new ideas.
Rodney Walker discovers individuality though his wardrobe
Three college students talk about their worst experiences with bad roommates
The roads of Muncie are paved with the history behind their names and the families that laid the groundwork for the city
Junior graphic arts major Claire Thomas turned her hobby of hula hooping into a chance for students to exercise by...
This week, Ball Bearings discusses changes in the entertainment industry.
Adding fresh technologies in exhibits and hosting special events can help museums attract a younger generation of visitors.
The most expensive dorms, apartments, and houses represent the differences in housing costs in Muncie
While technology has made it easier for us to communicate, platforms, such as social media, can have their downsides.