This week, Ball Bearings looks at the way Millennials view sexuality and gender identity.
Allowing prepubescent children to change genders may come with consequences
Ball Bearings sits down with members of the LGBTQ+ community to discuss the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation
"If we think for half of a second that we aren't with everyone else or we are alone, we have to tell ourselves that we aren't by ourselves."
In a room full of makeup, dresses, and high heels, Ball State University students and friends make a transformation –...
An introduction to understanding the many ways to identify with sexuality and gender
"You have a better understanding for the older generation and more respect for elders when you're that close with them all the time."
Members of the LGBTQ+ community have mixed feelings about Caitlyn Jenner being a prominent figure for transgender individuals
Is he gay? Is she bi? Does it matter? Half of Millennials don’t think so
"I think the ones who are starting families earlier are doing it on accident and that a lot of people are actually putting it off."