Many stereotypes influence the way men and women work out.
Many factors play a role in what Americans view as the “ideal” body.
I am terrible at maintaining my health. I avoid doctors if I can. I haven’t been to the dentist in...
Even though an estimated 1.7 percent of babies are born intersex, there’s still a general misunderstanding as to what it actually means
This week, Ball Bearings, explores the most common aspect of health—physical well-bei
With life expectancy possibly increasing, even a 100-year-old woman isn't sure what she would do with another 10 years.
Mikael Rehman has spent years learning how to reduce stress, deal with his hallucinations, and be happy with his schizophrenia.
A practice that aims to prevent diseases is often up for debate.
Bodybuilders make sacrifices to obtain their perfect bodies, but “perfect” does not necessarily mean healthy.
This week, Ball Bearings' print magazine is released. Online, we have a collection of our print stories detailing different aspects of health.