From Munsee to Muncietown to Muncie, the stretch of land that makes up Muncie’s part of Delaware County has expanded...
In the heart of Muncie, Indiana, three women leaders with divergent backgrounds are working to reshape their community and drive...
In the backdrop of current American political discussions, particularly the looming threat to reproductive rights, a sense of apprehension for...
Smart, resourceful, and generous. These were the first three adjectives Urban Light Community Development neighborhood pastor Neil Kring used to...
The year was 1996, and Muncie’s two largest newspapers, the Muncie Morning Star and the Muncie Evening Press, merged into...
“Is this the rock bottom people talk about? Is there more to this? Do we go farther?” Mandy Hummer says. ...
I’ve spent a lot of my life being taught to act civil. ‘Don’t talk back’. ‘Don’t ask questions’. ‘Don’t push...
“It’s just a down[ward] spiral,” Dominick says. Dominick was born and raised in Muncie and began to drink alcohol at...
Women are placed on a paradoxical pedestal of unsupported expectations.Show some skin but not too much, otherwise you’re asking for...
Hello, My name is, This is why I’m here today — But more than that. Go farther, Do better. Oh,...