Research shows Generation Z uses social media differently than their parents. Is this true for Ball State students and faculty?
The limitations that come with chronic illness can sometimes drive away friends who don’t understand, while unifying people with shared experiences.
As culture trends often come back every few decades, styles can overlap so much that almost anything is popular.
As life expectancy climbs, Social Security must adapt or cease to exist.
Small businesses nationwide will have to adapt in the upcoming decade to keep up with new trends, fads, and technology in order to stay afloat.
Humans and animals have been helping one another for centuries, forming strong friendships and loving each other unconditionally.
In the digital age, politicians are learning to navigate new rules of communication to appeal to voters.
Strong romantic relationships are built on trust and safety, but it’s mystery that we find most attractive. Here’s how to balance the two.
This local organization plans to revitalize the city by adding more housing and entertainment, a win for Ball State students and the community.