Despite narratives of a "jobless" society, 81 percent of Ball State graduates are employed in their major of study.
International students at Ball State discuss the biggest culture shock for them when they came to America
As room and board rates and rent prices continue to rise, some students choose buying a house instead of renting it
The Millennial generation has shown increasing interest in voting, and this generation may have the biggest effect on the country’s political future
Students continue to pay more for a college education, but know less about the financing of their university
University students feel a disconnect with the town they call home for four years
Rising tuition and living costs mean more of the financial burden of a college education falls on students’ shoulders, creating the need to work and go to class. Experts say that for students to find a balance, they should compartmentalize
Around two percent of high school athletes are awarded athletics scholarships for college. While many dream, very few become professional athletes.
College towns like Muncie, Indiana face challenges to thrive economically
The largest generation in history, Millennials are poised to change America