JohnTom’s Barbecue, BE’s Beauty, and Tailored Technology are 3 prominent Black-owned businesses in Muncie.
For years, many people have turned to meditation as a way to unwind, relax, refresh and reset their minds.
A Ball State class’s journey to create a podcast about sexual violence.
The Ball State Belly Dance Club is an outlet for students to express themselves through dance.
An exclusive look at the history behind some of Muncie’s most unique and grandiose homes.
The spread of Buddhism and some of its practices are increasingly being adopted by more Americans.
A Muncie couple dish on their favorite spots to spoil their dogs.
Just like the glass ceiling for women, the lavender ceiling prevents many LGBTQ individuals from job attainment and security.
Instead of losing your mind in quarantine, train it with some new hobbies.
Healthcare workers balance performing their job with their daily lives in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.