Bodybuilders make sacrifices to obtain their perfect bodies, but “perfect” does not necessarily mean healthy.
The steps on the road to recovery can be met with mental obstacles. Between 40 and 60 percent of people seeking addiction treatment will experience a relapse.
Through access of the Internet, people can now discover and publish personal information of other users with malicious intent.
Mikael Rehman has spent years learning how to reduce stress, deal with his hallucinations, and be happy with his schizophrenia.
Through hospice care, the terminally ill gain comfort and control.
Hypochondria is a mental disorder that affects 1 to 5 percent of the population.
Even though an estimated 1.7 percent of babies are born intersex, there’s still a general misunderstanding as to what it actually means
For transgender individuals, maintaining their health requires additional care cisgender people may not consider.
Sexting is becoming increasingly popular among young adults, but the possibility of the sext being shared is often overlooked.