There are different types of colors blindness. The three main categories of color blindness are red-green, blue-yellow, and complete color blindness, also known as monochromacy.
Red-green color blindness is the most common color blindness and splits into four different forms; deuteranomaly, prootanomaly, protanopia, and deuteranomaly, which turns shades of green more toward the red side of the color spectrum. Protanomaly is the opposite of the first type. This type turns the color red into green. Both protanopia and deuteranopia make the person affected unable to differentiate between both red and green.
Blue-yellow color blindness, the least common of all, splits into two different forms; tritanomaly and tritanopia. Tritanomaly makes it hard for the person affected to differentiate between green and blue as well as red and yellow. Tritanopia makes differentiation of green and blue, pink and yellow, and red and purple difficult.
Monochromacy, or complete color blindness, makes all colors non-visible, and the person affected cannot see any hue or type of color.




Images: Grace Adcock