Serenity Farms is a female-owned and operated organization dedicated to growing community in Muncie.
One thing has always been constant in Amy Ward’s life: farming.
“Farming has been in my family as far as I can track back,” Amy says. “No matter what is going on in my life, I have always been able to come back to the farm at the end of the day.”
Serenity Farms is a livestock organization local to Muncie and run by Amy. The 10-acre farm features a wide variety of animals including chickens, ducks, geese, goats, cattle, and a miniature horse. Every single animal living there serves a significant purpose that ties the farm together as a family.
Amy believes that each animal deserves to be cared for — that is why many of the Serenity Farm residents have come from rescue situations.
One of Amy’s first rescue residents is a pygmy goat named Amos.

“An older lady was forced to keep Amos on a chain in her backyard,” Amy says. “That’s when I got a call from her asking me to come pick him up because he needs the freedom to be a goat.”
Amos, now 12 years old, is able to roam the farm as he pleases. He enjoys being the “grand-pappy” of all the animals and greeting any new visitors that come to see Serenity Farms.
Not only does Amy love finding homes for different animals, she is also passionate about educating today’s youth with the knowledge she has learned from farming.
“I have learned so much from my farming experience. All I want to do is pass down that knowledge to the future generation,” Amy explains.
Amy has hosted guests from all walks of life on her farm; whether it be a child, troubled teen, or a curious adult. She believes that being educated about the different types of farm animals and where your food comes from is important for everyone.
One of Amy’s favorite educational experiences to teach to different families is giving them a starter kit to raise their own chickens. She believes that learning how to raise chickens is a good starter for any family that wants to learn how to raise their own livestock.
“One of my favorite experiences is being able to give kids the opportunity to learn about my different animals, and being able to watch their personalities open up,” Amy says. “I hope that everyone that walks into Serenity Farms leaves with a little more knowledge and a smile on their face.”
According to the United States Department of Agriculture Census, female-operated farms made up about 36 percent of all United States producers in 2017. Although the number is growing, woman-ran farms are still considered the minority.
“Some people like to judge my capabilities of running my own farm,” Amy says. “I don’t let it get me down though, I know in my own head that I am able to get the farm running just fine.”
As a part of her business, Amy offers farm-fresh eggs, free range non-antibiotic chicken and turkeys, show cattle, freezer beef, and she also rebuilds and sells tractors. Amy is committed to providing the non-GMO organic options for food that stores may not provide.
“I want to make sure those people are able to have those options and can enjoy farm-fresh options as well.” Amy explains.
Amy hopes to expand her property by 100 acres so that she can obtain more land to be able to do what she loves — bring in rescue animals to live their life at the farm.
Amy maintains an open-door policy because she is committed to educating the community around her. People from all backgrounds are welcome at Serenity Farms to experience and learn about different animals.
Sources: Census of Agriculture
Images: Provided by Amy Ward
Featured Image: Provided by Amy Ward