Ways to Show Some Love to the Environment in Muncie

The 50th anniversary of Earth Day was April 22, but you can still show your love and support for the environment by taking part in these activities, on campus and off. 


Editor’s note: These stories were written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Indiana Stay-at-Home order, so some events mentioned may be postponed, canceled, or altered. We’re sorry for any inaccuracies.


1. Spend some time in nature.


Muncie has many opportunities for you to get out and appreciate nature. One thing you can do is visit Minnetrista. Take a walk, go to the farmers market, schedule a tour, browse the Orchard Shop, or simply visit the gardens and nature area. 

The Rinard Orchid Greenhouse is located on the southwest side of Ball State’s campus. You can schedule a tour or simply browse the different plants and orchids they have to offer. It’s a great way to de-stress and be one with nature and all its beauty.

Christy Woods is another great option. These on-campus woods are open to the public for guided and self-guided tours. For the month of April, the tours feature spring wildflowers.


2. Practice green efforts.


Recycling is a simple way you can be a little more green on an everyday basis. When shopping, try to bring reusable bags rather than plastic bags. Refillable water bottles can also be a simple fix to help reduce single-use plastics. Also, try storing food in tupperware rather than zip-close bags. 

You can go paperless around your house, purchase products made from recycled materials, and use dish towels instead of paper towels. 


3. Learn how to be green on campus.


Ball State is a top green university. Take advantage of the many ways Ball State promotes a green campus. 

According to the 2016-2017 Ball State Campus Green Guide, on-campus housing offers in-hall recycling, ozone water for cleaning, and energy-efficient lights.

Instead of driving to class, you can take advantage of Charlie’s Charter bus. Charlie’s Charter is a shuttle service that provides free transportation on Ball State University’s campus in the evenings. You can also take advantage of the Ball State’s shuttle bus service. Download the Transloc Real-Time Tracking app and track the times of all the different routes.


4. Go “unplugged” for the day


It sounds impossible, but try turning off all electronics and lights and unplug all appliances. This not only helps conserve energy, but it also allows you to enjoy being present in the moment. 


5. Go out and get involved in the community


There are plenty of ways to volunteer around the community. One way is by doing a community clean up. Student Voluntary Services (SVS) at Ball State University seeks to send out students into the community so they can give back and serve others. They have annual community clean up events. 

According to SVS, there are no Earth Day service events scheduled, but they have other events on a weekly basis that allow you to get out in the Muncie community and help. Check out their website for more information on upcoming service and volunteer opportunities.

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