Our Changing World

Change is inevitable in humans’ lives, whether it be for better or for worse.

I’ve changed a lot during my 21 years here on Earth. I’ve changed my hairstyle over the years (although I’ve always rocked my signature bangs). I’ve changed the type of music I listen to, going from Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers in elementary to now loving bands like the Lumineers and Vampire Weekend. My style has changed, going from matching Aeropostale sweatshirts and sweatpants in middle school (shudder) to now wearing vintage pieces and floral patterns. What I’ve wanted to do with my life has changed, too, going from wanting to be a veterinarian and attending Purdue to now pursuing journalism at Ball State. My experience isn’t unique, though. From the time we are born until the time we pass away, we humans experience change.

The changes we face in our lives aren’t always positive. My life was changed forever when my dad suddenly passed away when I was 9 years old, leaving my mom and I to navigate our changed family. Coming to college my freshman year was another huge change that I thought would be a positive, but in reality left me feeling alone and confused, missing my “old life.”

But change can be good, of course. Once I followed my heart and decided to study journalism at the end of my freshman year, my experience at college changed significantly. Now as a senior, it’s mind-boggling to reflect back on how much my life has changed for the better in the past two and a half years.

One of the most unsettling things about change, though, is knowing it’s coming but not knowing how it will affect you. In some ways, it’s absolutely terrifying not knowing where I’ll be at this time next year. Will I be living in a city, pursuing my dreams of working at a magazine? Or will I be living back home in my mom’s basement without a job? (Mom, I love you, but let’s be real—that isn’t what I want to do with my life.)

No matter what, change affects us all in some shape or form. Some individuals can discover something new in their lives, which in turn, changes their lives for the better (“Coming Home”). Others can take a negative situation and change it into something positive (“Rebuilding After Release”).

Our world is constantly changing, as well––which affects us all. We’re facing environmental issues that, if not fixed soon, will be detrimental (“It’s Getting Hot in Here”). Additionally, many people are ready to take issues into their own hands and start changing the world themselves—which is what our cover story focuses on (“We Demand Change”).

It’s often said there are three “Cs” that all individuals will encounter in their lives: choices, chances, and change. You have to make a choice to take a chance and you will, in turn, change your life. We don’t know what curveballs life will throw us, but we can also take comfort in the fact that some of the best days of our lives haven’t yet happened. If we all consciously make the choice to follow our goals and passions, then maybe we, too, can change the world for the better.

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