This week, Ball Bearings discusses changes in nature.
“Adapting with Nature,” a letter from Editor-in-Chief, Emily Sabens
Our environment plays an important role in our day-to-day lives, even as it continues to change.
“The Use of Zoos,” by Robert Moscato-Goodpaster
Over the past two centuries, zoos have evolved from places for flaunting wealth to centers of learning and preservation.
“Not Treading Lightly,” by Jackie Miller
With visitation on the rise and funding on the decline, America’s national parks look to curb overcrowding.
“Finding Calmness Through Connection,” by Taylor Meyers
Ball State professor Tim Berg finds peace in nature, a relaxation method that is growing in popularity through the practice of ecotherapy.
“Along Came Maria,” by Samantha Kupiainen
Hurricane Maria caused $102 billion in damages. Today, the island nation is still recovering and navigating its new normal.
“What’s Left Behind,” by Brynn Mechem
Brownfields can cause areas to lose tax revenue, real estate value, and living quality.